Sunday, 24 January 2016


The total restoration of the church of God will give birth to the Glorious Church that shall be caught up to meet the LORD in the air. This restoration must take place before the Lord Jesus returns to take us to our eternal home as prophesied by Peter’s in Acts 3:19-21. All things must be restored, starting with the church (I Pet.4:17; Jer.25:28-29; Ezek.9:5-7).
The Elijah Revival
The end time work of the restoration of the church will be carried out in the spirit of Elijah (Mal. 4:5-6; Matt. 17:11) and it will be in two phases: (1) The spirit of Elijah which came in John the Baptist (Lk. 1:14-17) and (2) The spirit of Elijah that will come again just before the great and dreadful Day of the LORD in judgment (Mal. 4:1-6).
The second phase will first turn the hearts of many to the Lord, it will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; and finally, will make ready a people prepared for the Lord (Lk.1:12), that is, the Glorious Church.
Throughout the ages, God has always restored His people whenever they deviated from His commandments (see Jer.6:16, Jer.18:15. Isa.8:20. Mal.3:1-4. Rev.2:5). It’s now the turn of the New Testament church to shift from denominational Christianity back to the true apostolic Christianity. Naming of churches, the organisational structure of churches, the doctrines written by churches, the many schisms in the body of Christ, and many other errors, are rife in today’s church.  
There are only five (5) ministerial offices in the Bible - Apostles (examples are Jesus’ 12 apostle, Paul & Barnabas), Prophets (examples are Agabus and Silas), Evangelists (examples are Philip and Timothy), Pastors (examples are Titus and Timothy), and then Teachers (examples are Paul and Apollos) in the Bible. Overseers (leading elders) and deacons/deaconesses (elders) are the only two administrative offices we find in the New Testament church. Compare these to the endless multiplicity of titles and offices in today’s church such as Reverend, Arch Bishop and Father.
Jesus established just one church. All Christian congregations and fellowships constitute branches of this one universal church. This is why the first church, walking in that understanding, refused to fragment by taking up denominational names. Paul rebuked the Corinthian believers in 1 Cor. 3:4 from attempting to use his name and Apollos’ name as their denominational names: “For while one sayeth, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are you not carnal?” If Paul had not stopped them, they would probably be a ‘Pauline Church of God’ or an ‘Apollosian Church International’ like the many denominational names we have today in fragrant disregard of Paul’s warning. Paul called this carnality, which means earthly or unspiritual. The different fellowships in the apostolic days simply identified themselves by the house or address or town in which they operated or by their geographical location. For example, we come across The Church in Philadelphia or Sardis or Ephesus, The Church in Lydia’s House, The Church in Chloe’s house in the Bible. Any other naming deviation is unscriptural and divisive. Let’s make sure we maintain the oneness of the church that Jesus prayed for in John 17.
According to Rev.12, as soon as the glorious child (Church) is born, the dragon (anti-Christ) will manifest to try and eat up (destroy) the child. But the Lord of glory will appear in the sky and whisk away the glorious child (restored Church) “to the throne of God”. Right after this, the anti-Christ will seek to persecute Israel (the woman that has done it all), but the Almighty will not allow him to succeed but will protect and preserve Israel. Hallelujah!!!
God bless you as you ponder on these things!

Written by PIIMA member, Kilyobas Markus, Apostle and Overseer of THE CHURCH IN OLISA PLAZA, No.37, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan Road (former Zaria Road), Jos, Nigeria.

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