Saturday, 20 February 2016



Jesus Christ taught about the Kingdom more than any other subject. The terms “Kingdom of God” and “Kingdom of Heaven” are only found in the New Testament. In the NKJ version of the Bible the former term is found 70 times in 10 different books while the later appears 33 times in the book of Matthew alone. In Luke 4:43, Jesus said He must preach the good news of the Kingdom because that is the reason God sent Him to earth. In Matthew 9:35 Jesus went about teaching and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. In Matthew 6:33 Jesus commands us to seek after the Kingdom above all else. We should therefore make the Kingdom the central focus of our Christian lives. Think of this Kingdom as any other kingdom – an empire that has a supreme being heading it who must be venerated, it has loyal subjects, a reward and a punishment system, a security system, a regeneration system, an economic system, resources, and of course, a binding constitution.

The Kingdom of God versus the Kingdom of Heaven
Bible scholars have argued for centuries whether the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of heaven refer to different things or the same thing. The problem has arisen by the interchanging usage of the terms in the scriptures.  

While speaking to the rich, young ruler in Matthew 19:23, Jesus used the two terms interchangeably. Again, while narrating this discourse, the other three gospels use the two terms without observing any particular protocol. Compare Matthew 11:11-12 with Luke 7:28; Matthew 13:11with Mark 4:11 and Luke 8:10; Matthew 13:24 with Mark 4:26; Matthew 13:31 with Mark 4:30 and Luke 13:18; Matthew 13:33 with Luke 13:20; Matthew 18:3 with Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16; and Matthew 22:2 with Luke 13:29.

Dake’s Annotated Bible suggests that the two refer to different things. It says that the Kingdom of God refers to God’s entire Kingship structure and possession, while the Kingdom of heaven refers to only its earthly components. That is, the Kingdom of heaven is subsumed in the Kingdom of God.
Another view claims that the two terms have different doctrinal connotations. It suggests that the Kingdom of God refers to God’s eternal spiritual kingdom while the Kingdom of Heaven refers to a futuristic physical kingdom on earth with its capital city in Jerusalem in which Jesus Christ will reign for one millennium (1,000 years) immediately after the seven-year Tribulation period.

Which school of thought is right and which one is wrong is not important. The important thing is for each of us to make sure that we part of God’s Kingdom and to live our daily lives with Kingdom understanding, knowledge, vision and purpose. Jesus’ mission on earth was to bring God’s Kingdom to us, to enable us to enter it and to enable us to live according to Kingdom principles.

The Bible teaches that the Kingdom of God is what Jesus was born for. He taught that only righteous people would see the kingdom. We can qualify to enter the Kingdom of God only while on earth. Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to many things on earth using in parables so that we may be fully informed about it. Jesus also sent His 12 disciples to preach the Kingdom and heal the sick in Luke 9:2. Apostle Paul preached, taught and disputed with unbelievers about the Kingdom of God in Acts 19:8; 20:25; 28:23, 31). Philip likewise preached the Kingdom of God (Acts 8:12). The Kingdom of God cannot be seen physically because it lives inside believers (Luke 17:20, 21).

How we can become members of God’s Kingdom
If Jesus Christ came to give us the Kingdom and he taught about it more than anything else, then the scriptures must be replete with information on it, including how to enter it. Yet many Christians have closed the eyes of their understanding and prefer to violate the scriptures.

We call Jesus’ final instructions to His disciples, “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20). In these verses Jesus commanded His disciples to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all men and to baptize all those who hear, believe and act on the message. Mark 16:16 also says that baptism is part of the actions a believer must take. Romans 10:9 & 10 teach that believers need to confess Jesus as Lord. The grace of God is involved according to Ephesians 2:8. Faith in the message must also be exercised according to Romans 10:17 and Hebrews 11:6. All these are necessary ingredients for those who would like to enter the Kingdom of God. One must hear the message, believe it, confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour in faith and act on it by submitting to water baptism.

The importance of water baptism in the process of entry into the Kingdom of God should be emphasised. Jesus said we can only enter by the water (baptism) and by the blood (His death and resurrection).  “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). Jesus too came by the water and the blood (1 John 5:6). Water baptism is therefore essential part of the process of salvation, yet too many of Christians do not accept this. They think baptism is a just a simple formality that does not take us to heaven.

The book of Acts contains many incidents of belief immediately followed by baptism by full immersion in water. Infant baptism and water sprinkling practised by some Christians are not found in the scriptures. The Holy Spirit’s infilling of believers happens only after water baptism. Jesus Himself was only given the Holy Spirit after He submitted himself for water baptism by John the Baptist. Same goes for all human beings.     

Once we have been brought into the Kingdom of God, we are expected to live and act as citizens at all times. Luke 9:62 says those who enter the Kingdom of God but do not practice Kingdom principles are not fit for it.
The message for now
Kingdom understanding and Kingdom consciousness are at low ebb in the church today. Christians today are instead submerged and pre-occupied with routine church activities. Christians today work more for the physical growth of their church organisations rather than for the spiritual growth of the Kingdom.

But, thank God, there is a fresh awakening by God’s mercy. Individual Christians all over the world are questioning many traditional church doctrines and practices and are deciding to go back to the practice of what the scriptures say only. Some have left mainline denominations and are fellowshipping in home churches or other para-church organisation. God is also raising apostles and prophets to champion this revival. Don’t be left out. Feel free to contact us if you are so led though our office address, email address and phone numbers supplied in this newsletter.

PIIMA,, 20/02/2016

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