Saturday, 31 January 2015



Gentlemen of the Press, this press statement is being issued in my capacity as the Executive Secretary of Caritas Nigeria who is also responsible for coordinating the JDPC groups within the country. Caritas Nigeria is the relief and development agency of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria while Justice Development and Peace Committee at the national level is the advocacy organ of the Conference.

As you may know there are several forms of humanitarian crises already brewing in Nigeria: There is the silent Sahel food crisis affecting the food and nutrition needs of those states in the Sahel region like Sokoto, Kebbi, Yobe etc.; there is the post-flood humanitarian crisis, with many still to recover their livelihoods even after billions of naira were collected; there is the potential Niger Delta crisis which could erupt anytime, and there is the mother of all humanitarian crises caused by Boko Haram which has led to the greatest displacements and miseries since the civil war. 

On top of all these are the potential dangers and humanitarian emergencies that may arise because of the already charged presidential elections. From our discussions with our partners in some parts of the country, the certain towns and cities are already so charged that potentially lives and properties are not safe, depending on the outcome of the elections. 

It does appear that a predetermined outcome for the elections is demanded by some groups that no matter how free and fair it is, if it does not suit them, they would resort to violence that could lead to loss of lives. Consequently at a Contingency Planning meeting for possible elections violence attended by JDPC representatives from volatile states, we resolved the following:
Preventive Measures:

Church and Mosque leaders should intensify sensitization of their members to avoid violence whatever the outcome of the elections

Clergymen themselves must avoid being inciting and partisan during their sermons
Clergymen should admonish their members against inciting and abusive language in the social media
Traditional leaders should hold meetings with youth leaders on the need for peaceful conduct during and after the elections

Parents and elderly relatives should call their wards and warn them not to be used as instruments of violence by politicians

Citizens should be aware that during voting there will be a card reader that would match the thump print on the permanent voter card with that of the holder; it is therefore useless to collect other people’s voter cards
Citizens should not rely on the assurances of security agencies alone, as the scale of violence, if it happens, may overwhelm their capacity, and therefore must be extra vigilant

Citizens must pray against violence. On this note the JDPCs will be holding prayer rallies across five geo-political zones, except for the North East.

B. In the Case of a possible outbreak of Violence we advise the following:

Citizens in volatile places should stock essential commodities in case shops are not open for days
Citizens should by now make arrangements for safe havens in case they have to escape from their homes; and those who can, should move their families from volatile areas, as the right to life is stronger than the right to vote

After voting, although they could stay back to observe the counting, we advise ordinary citizens in volatile places to go home, and allow politicians to sort themselves out. The Catholic Church is deploying 4889 observers in 23 States, these observers will also stay back to observe to the end.

We advise churches and mosques to set aside some funds to deal with possible humanitarian crises that may arise, to complement government effort which often times is inadequate and therefore unreliable; especially with the experience of the current IDPs situation. After more than four years of a humanitarian crisis caused by Boko Haram we should be more proficient in handling these things but government is still  dropping  items and going away. Up till now, no proper camps.

Finally we advise Nigerians to know that politicians are all the same. If APC, everyone will move there and if PDP wins, they will move back to PDP, so it is not worth it destroying property and or especially destroying lives just because one set of politicians have lost elections.

Friday, 30 January 2015


President Goodluck Jonathan
The Divine Mandate of God on Nigeria is that Nigeria would be the nation that will ignite the revival that would lead to the return of Christ in glory. Nigeria is a missionary nation with a mandate to evangelize Africa, and also preserve the seed of the true gospel to be spread to other nations to influence the universal church to come back to holiness and the true word of God. (See Pg. 334 of my book, ‘In The Master’s Presence’). For Nigeria to fulfill this mandate, God needs a David to be seated on the Throne of Nigeria. President Jonathan is like the biblical Jonathan who would prepare the conditions for the emergence of the Biblical David. President Jonathan is on the Throne to supervise the crumbling of Nigeria until we come to the point where we are forced to address our weak foundation. Our present foundation laid on injustice, wickedness, Leviathan, Tribalism and Mammon cannot carry the large structure that God wants to build in Nigeria. That foundation must be destroyed and a new one laid on the rock.
Since his ascension to the Throne, the President has been distracted by various forces and has not been able to do the task that God wants him to do even though it is wired in his heart to do it. In the year 2013, God will orchestrate the circumstances that would cause the President to do or refrain from doing this singular task which is the reason God brought him to the Throne. It would be a matter of life and death for him. He will be better off if he surrounds himself with God fearing people who will stand by him when the shaking comes. If he is surrounded by enemies, they will take advantage of the situation and devour him and this will cause a shaking for the nation.
I do not yet know the exact circumstances that will bring the President to this Valley of decision but I will counsel him to read Jl.3:1-3; Zech.12:1-4 and Ps.129:5-8. He should be careful in aligning against Israel no matter the pressure from the so called International Community. The Lord said that from 2012, He would cut off every finger that points to His people in accusation or contempt. It could well be an issue connected with Israel that would trigger the Nigerian/Jonathan situation - This is not yet clear to me. However, I rest secure in the word of God in Am.3:7“Surely, the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his servant the Prophets.” My faith is that as long as there are intercessors in the land and the President chooses to associate with true men of God, there may be opportunity for an early warning. However, the President should be wary of the 2nd and third month (February/March) and also the 9th to the 11th Month (September to November).
If the President scales the hurdle of 2013, he will do well not to enter the contest for 2015 in self will. He must pray fervently to ensure that he has the backing of God the way he had it in 2011 otherwise it will not go well.
The Messenger
July 10, 2013


"I wonder what makes xxxx talk the way he does.We are designed by God to be heads,not tail.To be above only and not beneath.Besides if you have not seen one thing that Jonathan have done then you need glasses.As christian lets support our own believing that God will use him to lay a foundation for our nation because Nigeria is a country without foundation and most times the beauty of a house does not show at the foundation level that's why it seems Jonathan is not working.I believe that history will vindicate him.He is repairing waste places." Joe, 31/1/2-15

Wednesday, 28 January 2015


Communique issued at the end of the strategic summit of the Middle Belt Dialogue which held at the Eliel Centre, Ray field Jos
 on Monday, January19 2015

The Middle Belt Dialogue (MBD), a non-governmental organization composed of ethnic nationalities of the Middle Belt of Nigeria committed to building strong, free and prosperous communities, held its 5th strategic summit on the 19th Day of January 2015 at Eliel Centre, Rayfield, Jos, Plateau State.
 Delegates from community-based organisations, faith-based organisations, youth organisations, and women organisations from Adamawa, Bauchi, Benue, Borno, FCT, Gombe, Kaduna, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger, Plateau, Taraba, and Yobe states attended as well as notable leaders of opinion. The Summit noted that:
Ø There is general anger and disappointment in our communities against the current federal government, flowing from the sad reality that despite the huge political investment by our people in installing the Goodluck Jonathan administration in 2011, there has been no commensurate political patronage in terms of projects and appointments. Rather, we have watched in awe as hostile regions/personalities to Jonathan particularly in the north, attract, secure or corner appointments and projects in the Jonathan administration.
Ø It is obvious that as a result of the huge political investment of our communities in 2011, our communities have been exposed to unimaginable genocide and consequent untold hardship, while  governments at the state and federal levels have appeared indifferent to the suffering of our people;
Ø As a result of the genocide, agriculture which hitherto has been the mainstay of the Middle Belt and a major source of economic stability of our people has been ruthlessly disrupted thereby laying the foundation for food insecurity in the country at large.
Ø Comparable to operations of the Janjaweeds during the slave trade era, Fulani militias and Boko-Haram have ravaged and destroyed our communities, attacking  serene, quiet settlements in the Middlebelt thereby killing thousands of people between 2011 to 2014 and sacking hundreds of villages and thereby ensuring that our communities and people were displaced from their regular homelands before the 2015 elections.

Ø Although the Middlebelt has not been fairly treated by the Goodluck Jonathan Administration, the alternative being projected by the opposition to Goodluck Jonathan is not supportable by us as that alternative is, a clear inspiration of the violence against our communities since 2011 that we have repeatedly complained of.
Ø If our people have been  so single-mindedly targeted for genocide at a time that the patrons of the Fulani militia and Boko Haram are not in power, how much more would they be able to do should their patrons be put in charge of the Federal Government of Nigeria?;
Ø Although the federal government allegedly provided funds to state governments to pay compensation to victims of the 2011 post-election violence, it is clear that governors across the north circulated these funds to the communities that perpetrated the violence/destruction and killings. The churches and Christian victims have not been rebuilt nor has such compensation been extended to families of victims.
The Summit acknowledges that
I.      In fairness to the Federal Government, the post of Group Managing Director of NNPC has been occupied by Middle Belters since President Jonathan was elected as President in 2011;
I.      Kashimbila Dam, which is designed to collect water from Lake Nyos to save Nigeria from seasonal flooding, destruction of lives and property, is about to be commissioned;
I.      Mambilla and Zungeru hydro-power dams have had contracts awarded and ground-breaking ceremonies done.
I.      The Summit however observed that such appointments and project locations were more of a fair recognition of EARNED MERITS, on the part of the appointee, and rational exploitation of national resources in situ, in respect of the project location policies, than politically conscious distribution of dividends of democracy to us in recognition of our people`s massive political support.
II.    The Summit further went down memory lane to observe that in spite of the heavy sacrifices and resource contributions of the Middle Belt Region to Nigerian national development, viz:- that our youth sacrificed their blood to KEEP NIGERIA ONE; that the Middle Belt is the bread basket of the nation; that our Region is the nation`s source of solid minerals and hydroelectric power, among others, the people of the Middle Belt have not benefited commensurately in terms of development and political appointments.
The Summit therefore resolved as follows:
Ø No political party or candidate shall be given unconditional support by the Middle Belt;
Ø Upon careful consideration of the issues above, and the need to invest in the safety and  future stability of the Middle Belt, the Summit resolved to support the candidature of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in the 2015 Presidential Election on  clearly articulated conditions that the Secretariat of the MBD has been mandated to negotiate with THE PRESIDENT;
Ø Delegates observed further that whereas the Middle Belt people have been unhappy with the "kid gloves" with which President Goodluck Jonathan has been treating the Islamist Boko Haram, the Middle Belt would be in a worse situation under Muhammadu Buhari who openly said that the Islamist Boko Haram who have been bombing churches, slitting the throats of women and children and abducting innocent girls and turning them into sex slaves are "fighting for justice";
Ø Delegates also observed that Buhari who is the life Patron of Miyetti Allah has not, even once, called to order the Fulani herdsmen who are rampaging through the Middle Belt dispossessing our people of their land, raping women and killing without compunction;
Ø Delegates also noted that the people of the Middle Belt can therefore not trust General Muhammadu Buhari's sense of justice because when he took over government in 1983 he jailed opposition leaders, including the late leader of the Middle Belt, Chief Solomon Lar, and left the leaders of the National Party of Nigeria, NPN, to go scot free.
Ø Delegates further observed that the political independence of our people is too precious to be sacrificed in appeasing those who believe that our people should not have access to political power.
Ø The Summit therefore unanimously resolved that irrespective of our political leanings,all ethnic nationalities should vote en mass and ensure the success of President Goodluck Jonathan at the polls in the February 14, Presidential Election. While we are obviously not completely satisfied with Jonathan we will be eroding our freedom and would be paying/rewarding Boko Haram by even remotely considering the possibility of voting  for General Muhammadu Buhari
Ø The Summit further urged the Federal Government to deploy military formations at strategic locations and flashpoints in the Middle Belt to protect our people from possible violence that may be directed at them should the outcome of the elections be unfavourable to the patrons of violence.
Hon. Aminu Zang                                                   Lanre Obafemi
Rima Shawulu Kwewum                                         Mark Jacob

Facilitator, Middle Belt Dialogue



Our country Nigeria is on a time bomb. Incessant crises in the Niger Delta, the Boko Haram crisis, inter group violence across the country, minority factor in Nigerian politics, citizenship challenges, religious intolerance, bad governance at all levels are all shaking our faith in the unity of the country and calling into question our collective future. The situation is exacerbated by the inability of the Federal Government to guarantee security of lives and property. The National Assembly also looks helpless. The Middle Belt Professionals (MBP), a group of technocrats of Middle Belt extraction recently met and reviewed the Nigerian project and unfolding developments.

Though the MBP as a group are committed to the unity of Nigeria and are prepared within reason to do whatever it takes to ensure that unity, we are however, extremely disturbed by the irresponsible and violent way in which different stakeholders in the Nigerian project are expressing their grievances against the State and putting ordinary law abiding Nigerians at risk.

The inability of the Federal Government to decisively contain the escalation of these crises is bringing to the fore, the many contradictions in the national fabric, leading many to doubt whether we can manage our diversity and mutual suspicions well enough to still build a nation state that will ensure our collective destiny. Already other stakeholders are giving subtle notice of their intentions to reconsider the Nigerian project.

The National Question
The MBP as a group is of the opinion that as the Federal Government grapples with the escalating crises and the different ways in which the National Question is being manifested in the country today, transparent attempts must be made to get Nigerians talking in order to decide whether they want to live together or not.

Should we want to live together, as is our prayer and hope, we must ALL commit to a secular state where there will be absolute freedom of worship without any one riding on religion and faith to hold others to ransom. We must also commit to a citizenship status in which the settler indigene divide will be obliterated to allow for every Nigerian to feel at home in every corner of the country he or she may choose to call home. Commitment must also be made to restructure the country to allow for appropriate empowerment of federating units.

Should we decide to abandon the Nigerian project, which will be extremely unfortunate, instead of spilling unnecessary blood, we must be responsible enough to use the Southern Sudan template allowing for stakeholders who want to leave to decide through a referendum.

Clarion Call to Middle Belters
The MBP calls upon all people of Middle Belt extraction and other Nigerian minorities to support the call for a Sovereign National Conference. The country is structurally skewed against the minorities and we must support a forum that will give us an opportunity to renegotiate our Cinderella status in the country, and should others decide that they are done with the Nigerian project, we must be ready to take our destiny in our hands.

Doing this requires acute awareness of the minority factor in Nigerian politics. The Minorities of Nigeria are an entity larger than any of the Southern or Northern regions of Nigeria. They account for about 51% of Nigerians and are indisputable power brokers in Nigeria. The minorities are responsible for Nigerian stability and many of the country’s core values.

Unfortunately, the way they have been scattered across Nigeria and, overrun in some states especially in the North has made it extremely difficult for them to cohere into a very potent political force in the country. The minorities of the south- south are still largely in the shadow of the major groups in the South while many of those in the North have remained in the shadow of the Hausa- Fulani. If the Nigerian project is to survive, the minorities must unite, demand and be given sufficient political space within which to contribute on mutual terms in the project. In states like Gombe, Bauchi, Niger, Adamawa, Kebbi, Kaduna and Zamfara where they have been overrun and virtually chocked by pockets of Hausa- Fulani elements, their liberation must be a condition for our continued existence.

Minorities must go back to history to challenge and interrogate myths and silences propagated and reinforced against them by majority ethnic peoples in the country. In the North for example, they must challenge Hausa-Fulani hegemony and expose the conspiracy between Lord Lugard and the Caliphate to subjugate minority groups through the agency of the Caliphate and Indirect Rule which conspiracy is the foundation of current instability especially in the North.

Northern Minorities must rigorously contest the post Jihad narrative of Northern identity that seeks to conscript them into a monolithic North in which they remain a footstool for the so called ‘true north’ because of their characteristic refusal to pander to the religious orthodoxy of the Caliphate. Northern Minorities must be aware of the potency of the ‘Maguzawa template’ which the Caliphate has used to silence and turn non Muslim Hausa into ignoble minorities in their land and the ongoing attempts to deploy the template effectively against northern minorities by isolating them and undermining their self confidence.

Northern Minorities must realize that ‘Hausa’ in the sense we know and use today is a political and quasi religious derivative from the writings of Othman Danfodio who conceived a political union of the different Hausa States and proceeded to foist a Fulani leadership on the union through arbitrary force and stealth after holding the states as an amalgam of bad Muslims.

Northern Minorities must valorize their history and politically construct their identity to include the marginalized others in the North into a greater Middle Belt comprising minority nationalities as far as Bornu to the North East and Kebbi to the North West.

The MBP reiterate that the basis for our commitment to a one Nigeria can only be assured if all Nigerian nationalities commit to a secular state where freedom of worship is unequivocally guaranteed. This will guide against attempts in parts of the North to foist Islam as a state religion, promote Islamic symbols in public spaces using public funds thereby undermining other ways of worship. Nigerians must accept our diversity and multi religious nature as inviolable.

We must cherish and respect it. We must also commit to a citizenship status obliterating the indigene/settler divide to allow Nigerians call anywhere they maybe living truly home. Incessant flash points across the country arising from binary tensions between so called settlers and indigenes must be resolved in favour of a citizenship that does not privilege primordial sentiments. The current situation in which one can walk into the country from neighbouring Chad or Niger to settle for two or three years in some northern town and becomes more ‘Nigerian’ than others who might have been around for decades is unacceptable . Our commitment to a one Nigeria will also be assured with the restructuring of the federation to allow the federating units to be sufficiently empowered through responsible devolution of powers from the centre. Nigeria cannot be sustained through the sharing of oil revenues without accountability nor attempts to develop other revenue sources including robust tax regimes.

The position of the MBP is that these conditions are the basic minimum for our continued existence. We think our fathers and brothers shed their blood to maintain the unity of this country without carefully thinking through the considerations that would accrue to them. Others who shed less blood have been corruptly feasting on the unity of the country and pauperizing our people. Worse, it is their actions as sponsors of crises, religious intolerance and self centeredness that are pushing us to the brink today. While they may be the first today, even in old age to indicate willingness to fight for a one Nigeria, we will not shed our blood again for this country and such people unless we are convinced that we will be better for it.

The MBP urges Minority states of the country, especially in the North to urgently legislate against indiscriminate grazing of life stock by itinerant Fulani herdsmen in the employment of their patrons in the cities. Their activities are destabilizing and a serious security threat to many parts of the Middle Belt. States should require those who have cows to keep them on farms or ranches. This is global good practice. Such legislation will safeguard the farms of our people, enhance food security, reduce friction and close a destabilization window which Caliphate agency has been using against our communities.

The MBP urge politicians, scholars, professionals and opinion leaders of Middle Belt extraction to close ranks quickly in order to articulate a common position in the Nigerian project and begin to explore strategic alliances with other Nigerian Minorities especially those in Cross River, Akwa Ibom and other parts of the South South.

On our part, we will intensify awareness creation on these and other issues within the greater Middle Belt. We will also continue to champion a Middle Belt identity and the need for a very responsible political recruitment process within and amongst the different nationalities of the Middle Belt. We are open to honest and committed dialogue on the Nigerian Question and urge all stakeholders to come to the table with open minds and clean hands. Anything short of this will not serve the Nigerian Project. We are building a website to help in awareness creation and efficient networking as well as the collation of inputs and ideas that will advance and give voice to our concerns in Nigeria.

Kwagher Tartenger, PhD
15th March, 2012. 


Plateau Independent Indigenous Minister’s Association (PIIMA) is an intercessory initiative embarked upon in May 2014 by ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Plateau State origin who ran various ministries. These committed Christians felt a strong need to come together monthly for the purpose of fervent intercessory prayer for Plateau State in particular and Nigeria in general. This need was felt because of the many social upheavals that have been ravishing the land resulting in the death of thousands innocent citizens.

We understand from the Scriptures that calamity is permitted by God when people turn their backs on Him. The intention of God is that the people might feel pain, repent, and return to God. But for the people to see and accept their sin, a prophet has to take God’s word to them. In Ezekiel 22 God sought for such a man but couldn’t find one. PIIMA ministers have decided to place themselves at God’s disposal for the purpose of this role.

Our Guiding Scripture:
“Her prophets whitewash these deeds for them by false visions and lying divinations. They say, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says’- when the LORD has not spoken. The people of the land practice extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and needy and mistreat the foreigner, denying them justice. “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign LORD.” Ezekiel 22:28-31.